Welcome to my hotel

Jens Weißflog - athlete and host

Why not a trainer? Why a hotelier? I am often asked this question and my simple answer to it is the same as it might apply to being a trainer: I bring my experience to the table. In the hotel – from 15 years of hotel experience, which I was able to gain in heaps during my active sporting days and later through private and business travel. Of course, experience alone is not enough. As in sports, many with me, in front of and behind the scenes, are necessary for success. Working in a hotel is at least as exciting for me as working as a coach could be. In the end, it’s all about success. But also about the trust of the guests to spend the most beautiful time of the year with us. Many have been doing this for many years – again and again, and I really appreciate that. Of course, I am also on site myself and take care of the small and big things that come with the job as general manager. However, dealing with the guests is also important to me. Whether during a conversation at the reception, in the restaurant or at events like the monthly coffee klatsch or the one or other hiking or e-bike tour – opportunities where my guests can experience me live. Informal, spontaneous, on you and you. Your Jens Weißflog

Jens Weißflog Hotel & Restaurant
Emil-Riedel-Straße 50
09484 Oberwiesenthal

Telefon: +49 (0) 373 48 / 10 0
E-Mail: hotel@jens-weissflog.de
Webseite: www.jens-weissflog.de

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